Fertilidad Real: nuestro eBook gratuito sobre infertilidad

Download the free ebook in spanish, Fertilidad Real 

Content created with patients, for patients.


As an assisted reproduction center, we have direct contact with people who are just beginning their infertility journey and with those who, after undergoing many treatments, seem to have a master’s degree in the subject. We not only talk to our patients during consultations but also at the reception, prior to entering the operating room, over the phone, and even through social media. We have many communication channels. There are many channels of communication that we have and that also means that there are many occasions when our patients have to address issues related to their search for pregnancy and remember that it is a road they are still on.


Together with Lic. María Villamil, we talked to WeFIV patients and people from Concebir Civil Association, shedding light on a topic that, although frequently discussed and experienced by those facing reproductive challenges, is not addressed as much in the various circles surrounding them: medical, social, family, or work. Sometimes, because we want to help the other person to take the weight off the problem or because of the impotence of not being able to give a solution to a loved one, we say a phrase that does not have the healing power we are seeking. “You have to think positively,” “What if you adopt?” or “You can’t get pregnant” are some phrases we learn to rephrase. What we say and how we say it matters. And there’s always room to learn new ways to communicate.


Like any change, it will take time, but we are ready

to take the first step and showcase real fertility.

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