Quality and Continuous Improvement

Our priority is to provide personalized attention to all those who come to our center for infertility problems in women and men.

At WeFIV, our pillars are quality and innovation, which are present in:


Globally recognized and internationally awarded for their scientific work and clinical results.

Constant attention

We offer constant, comprehensive, personalized attention, guaranteeing quality services. All our staff have access to a database where they can access information about your particular case to provide a personalized response.

Comprehensive Treatment

We treat health in a holistic way where not only the biological but also the psychological and social aspects affect us. We do not treat pathologies, but people. That is why we conduct satisfaction surveys to promote continuous improvement.

Continuous Improvement

We have a quality management system, based on strategic processes that allows us to have high success rates so that our patients achieve pregnancy.

¿Existe alguna política de calidad de WeFIV?

Sí, contamos con una política de calidad a la que podés acceder desde el siguiente link.
Si te interesa saber más podés leer nuestro Manual de Calidad.

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