Egg Donation

No Wait List to Find Your Donor! Our medical team has extensive experience in egg donation, the treatment with the highest success rate.

What is Egg Donation?

Egg donation is a valuable support for women facing challenges in conceiving through assisted reproduction treatments, as it provides the option for those who are unable to use their own eggs due to physiological conditions, or any other cause, in In Vitro Fertilization. This process significantly enhances the chances of a successful pregnancy for these women. The treatment involves the female gamete from the donor being fertilized with the semen from the woman's partner or a sperm donor. Then, five days after fertilization, the embryo is transferred to the maternal uterus.

Donor Requirements

Egg donation in Argentina is regulated by decree 956/2013, which establishes that both eggs and embryos must come exclusively from gamete or embryo banks duly registered with the Federal Registry of Health Establishments (ReFES) of the National Directorate of Health Regulation and Quality in Health Services, dependent on the Ministry of Health.

  • Be over 18 years old and under 30 years old.
  • Be in good psychophysical health.
  • Have no personal or family history of genetically transmitted diseases.
  • Have no medical or surgical history.
  • Have no abnormalities in the reproductive system.
  • Undergo a complete gynecological and psychological evaluation.
  • Undergo various diagnostic tests for transmissible diseases.
  • Body Mass Index between 18 and 28 kg/m².
  • An exhaustive examination of the pelvic organs will be carried out to rule out diseases that may affect the results of the donation. The presence of cysts, fibroids, polyps, and other alterations of the reproductive system is also ruled out.
  • At the beginning of the woman’s cycle, an ultrasound will be performed to count antral follicles and assess the donor’s potential response.
  • Perform a screening study for mutations in the Cystic Fibrosis gene and confirm a normal karyotype.
  • Study the absence of transmissible diseases such as HIV, hepatitis, syphilis, as well as blood group and Rh.

We also evaluate donors psychologically, considering the following areas: personal history, family history, adjustment disorders, mood or psychological disorders, substance abuse, behavioral and eating disorders. It is important to remember that, according to the Law on Comprehensive Access to Medical-Assistance Procedures and Techniques for Medically Assisted Reproduction, donation must never have a lucrative or commercial motivation. The cost of egg donation treatment depends on each individual case, as all the services we offer are personalized.

Donor Selection

WeBank, WeFIV’s egg bank, is in charge of choosing donors who are compatible with the physical traits and blood type-Rh of the receiving patient. Once the donor with appropriate characteristics is found, we notify the patients and proceed with the fertilization of the oocytes. It is important to note that WeBank has the largest egg bank in Argentina, which means the donor can be chosen without delay.

Semen Sample

In order to obtain a suitable semen sample, the male must abstain from sexual activity for 2 to 5 days before the day of egg donation. Then, the sample is prepared in our specialized laboratories to eliminate certain components and select the most suitable sperm to fertilize the donated eggs. Another option is to cryopreserve the semen sample before the donation, so that once the compatible donor is found, the previously frozen sample can be used.

WeBank, WeFIV’s egg bank, is in charge of choosing donors who are compatible with the physical traits and blood type-Rh of the receiving patient. Once the donor with appropriate characteristics is found, we notify the patients and proceed with the fertilization of the oocytes. It is important to note that WeBank has the largest egg bank in Argentina, which means the donor can be chosen without delay.

In order to obtain a suitable semen sample, the male must abstain from sexual activity for 2 to 5 days before the day of egg donation. Then, the sample is prepared in our specialized laboratories to eliminate certain components and select the most suitable sperm to fertilize the donated eggs. Another option is to cryopreserve the semen sample before the donation, so that once the compatible donor is found, the previously frozen sample can be used.

Embryo Transfer

Embryo transfer, also known as “transfer,” is when the specialist-selected embryo is introduced into the maternal uterus with a specialized cannula. The transfer is a painless procedure, quick to perform, and is carried out without the need for anesthesia. It is recommended to drink water before the procedure to have a full bladder unless otherwise indicated by the treating physician.

Additionally, both the patient and the companion are asked to avoid the use of perfumes, makeup, or substances with strong aromas, as they could contaminate the laboratory air. Once the transfer is complete, the patient should avoid situations that cause an increase in body temperature or dehydration and should not consume alcoholic beverages or medications without a prescription.

It is important to mention that unused, good quality embryos will be vitrified to be used in a subsequent cycle, avoiding the need to repeat ovarian stimulation.

Frequently Asked Questions

After 3 attempts at WeFIV, the cumulative pregnancy rate is 93.96% in egg donation treatment.

There is no single number of egg donation treatments required to achieve pregnancy, as it depends on the patients’ medical history.

Embryo transfer is exactly the same as when using one’s own gametes.

Since we have a large egg bank, the duration of egg donation treatment is the same as with using one’s own eggs. There is no waiting list to find the best donor for our patients.

When resorting to egg donation treatment, it is normal for the patient to go through the genetic grief process, as they give up the possibility of passing on their genetic makeup. However, thanks to epigenetics, we know that there is communication between the pregnant woman, through the maternal womb, and the future baby. This communication is capable of modulating how genetic information is expressed, meaning it can modify and influence how the genetic information of the future baby is expressed, which can be seen in the physical characteristics and health of the baby. We encourage our patients to realize that motherhood is a role they will develop regardless of the type of treatment they undergo.

Egg donation poses no risks for either the donor or the recipient woman. It’s a safe procedure that enables women with fertility issues the chance to conceive.

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