Contact us to achieve your dream of starting a family

For appointments, call +54 11 4789 3600.

Discover your fertility status!

We know that information is power! And what better way to plan your motherhood journey than by understanding your fertility status? Whether you want to delay motherhood until you feel ready or embark on the path of assisted reproduction today, knowing your ovarian reserve is essential.

The best way to learn about your fertility status and get closer to your dream of becoming a mother is by taking the first step.

"*" indicates required fields

You are very close to becoming a mother!
Complete the form with your information and we will contact you.

Date of birth (Over 18 years old)
DD dot MM dot YYYY
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I have read and <a href="">I accept the privacy policies</a>*
I agree to receive commercial communications
* Agreements may be subject to updates. If you have any questions, consult the benefits of each plan by calling your social service

What to expect from the first consultation

  • Gynecological examination.
  • Transvaginal ultrasound for ovarian reserve assessment through follicle count.
  • You can present any previous tests you have had (prior assisted reproduction treatments, gynecological studies, etc.).
  • After reviewing your medical history, the specialist may request additional tests if necessary.

First online consultation

  • You can present any previous tests you have had (prior assisted reproduction treatments, gynecological studies, etc.).
  • After reviewing your medical history, the specialist may request additional tests if necessary.

NEW! First Consultation with a Biologist

  • You can present laboratory reports from previous cycles (egg retrievals, transfers, genetic studies, sperm analysis) if available.
  • Brief laboratory visit:
  • Observation of available incubator types.
  • Explanation of vitrification technique.
  • Practical explanation of ICSI technique.
  • Review of laboratory procedures.

* The first visits described are not complementary. Each one has a different cost. Please consult patient care staff for more information.

Our treatments

Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)

A low complexity treatment in which sperm, previously selected in the laboratory, are introduced into the woman's uterus.

In Vitro Fertilization

A high complexity treatment in which fertilization occurs in the laboratory, outside the woman's body, and then the embryo is transferred to the woman's uterus.

Egg donation

A treatment in which a woman receives eggs from a donor to achieve pregnancy.

Fertility Preservation

We offer fertility preservation for women who wish to postpone motherhood without affecting their fertility.

Frequently Asked Questions

At WeFIV, our mission is to provide top-notch medical care to prevent and treat fertility disorders. We promote and contribute to scientific development in the field of Human Reproduction. We are an assisted reproduction center with the goal of achieving continuous improvement. We focus on the patient and working to fulfill their dream of parenthood, while maintaining quality and service standards.

The path of each treatment will depend on the causes of infertility. We recommend having your first consultation with a WeFIV specialist to determine the best treatment option for your case.

WeFIV does not share patient data with any third parties, except for medical management purposes.

At WeFIV, we respect our patients’ privacy. However, you will need to provide your information and sign informed consent forms to start any of the assisted reproduction treatments.

Do you need more information or want to request your first appointment?

Contact us to help you start a family

Work at WeFIV

Achieving the dream of thousands of people is only possible with the best human team.

Where is WeFIV

Av. del Libertador 5962
Buenos Aires City, Buenos Aires

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